Spring Equinox is here

20th March this year marks the Spring Equinox for the northern hemisphere. The equinox is when day and night are the same lengths. The word equinox meaning ‘equal night’‚ in Latin. To many cultures, Spring equinox is traditionally celebrated as a time of rebirth with spring holidays and festivals. As we emerge from the colder days […]

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Rudolph Duhrkoop and the Pictorialist Movement

Photography in its early days was seen more as a mechanical and scientific process than a new medium for art.  Throughout the 1800’s, photography was often defined simply as a process to capture a visible reality.  Even the most aesthetically pleasing and creative images produced for most of the 19th century were understood to be […]

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Mother’s Love depicted in Art

By Francesca Lungarotti The feeling of returning to a place where the only thing that matters is pure love is something that images depicting maternal love and devotion in art have always evoked. Maternal love has always represented a source of artistic inspiration across all eras, cultures, and artistic mediums. While appreciating selections of maternal art, […]

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The Beach – painting a place of joy

As we look ahead to the warmer months and the chance for a leisurely day at the beach, here is a selection of paintings by famous artists showing how they captured the essence of those happy days. Let these paintings spark your imagination and memories as they transport you to your favourite beach location.

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